All Are Welcome
We are farmers and executives, poets and singers, naturalists and postal carriers.
We are liberals and conservatives, pacifists and veterans. We are Christians and Humanists, Agnostics and Theists. We are straight and gay, black and white and everything in between. We believe that we do not have to share the same ideas about God in order to form sacred community and do good work in the world. Won't you join us for an upcoming service or event? We'd love to hear your story.. Please watch this page for more stories about who we are. One thing is for sure – we would love to meet you! Click on the stained glass image below to learn more about us |
Poinsettias for the Sanctuary
We will be decorating the sanctuary this season with poinsettias. There will be a signup sheet and envelope for payment in the Patterson Room for the next 2 weeks. Price is $15. If you cannot be in church for the next two weeks, or before December 17, and would like to purchase one, call or text Nancy Schuldt 815-281-0034. Thanks. Calling All Would Be Techies We are looking for a team to edit the recordings of the Sunday services. Michele is planning on showing us how to use the software, let me know if there is anyone who would like to learn! This can be done in the comfort of your own home with your cat cuddling on your lap. Get in touch! – Jeanie [email protected] |